Access to Care

Molina Complete Care (MCC) maintains access to care standards and processes for ongoing monitoring of access to health care (including behavioral health care) provided by contracted primary PCPs (adult and pediatric) and participating specialists (to include OB/GYN, behavioral health providers and high volume and high impact specialists). Providers are required to conform to the access to care appointment standards listed below to ensure that health care services are provided in a timely manner. The standards are based on 90% or greater availability for emergency services and 90% or greater for all other services. The PCP or his/her designee must be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to members.

Appointment Access

All providers who oversee the member’s health care are responsible for providing the following appointments to MCC members in the timeframes noted:

Medical Appointment Types


 Routine, asymptomatic  Within 30 calendar days
 Routine, symptomatic  Within 7 calendar days
 Urgent Care  Within 24 hours
 After-Hours Care  24 hours/day, 7 day/week availability
 Specialty Care (High Volume)  Within 45 calendar days
 Specialty Care (High Impact)  Within 45 calendar days
 Urgent Specialty Care  Within 24 hours
 Obstetrical Care  Within 21 calendar days in the first trimester,  within 14 calendar days in the second  trimester and within 7 days thereafter
 Dental Providers (Routine)  Within 45 calendar days
 Dental Providers (Urgent Care)  Within 48 hours

Behavioral Health Appointment Types


 Emergency  Immediately
 Urgent Care  Within 24 hours
 Routine Care  Within 14 calendar days
 Follow-up Routine Care  Within 7 calendar days


Additional information on appointment access standards is available from the MCC quality department. Please contact MCC for more information.

Office Wait Time

For scheduled appointments, the wait time in offices should not exceed 45 minutes. All PCPs are required to monitor waiting times and adhere to this standard.

After Hours

All providers must have back-up (on call) coverage after hours or during the provider’s absence or unavailability. MCC requires providers to maintain a phone service that’s available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This access may be through an answering service or a recorded message after office hours. For PCPs and OB/GYNs, if a recorded message is used, it must provide an option to direct the member to a live person. The service or recorded message should instruct members with an emergency to hang up and call 911 or go immediately to the nearest emergency room.

Please visit the Provider Manual for additional information on access and availability.